math games and activities - intermediate

Teaching math is a requirement in school, but no one said the lessons had to be dry and boring. In fact, if you’re looking for a way to appeal to your students’ various ways of learning, then you might consider having intermediate math games in your room to enhance your instruction.
The Best Classroom Math Games
When it comes to finding the best math games and activities, you want to look for options that appeal to your kids sense of wonder and learning. At Really Good Stuff®, we have a wide selection of games and activities to choose from that span every grade. You know what the best part about these games and activities is? Your kids will have so much fun playing, they’ll forget their learning!
If you are looking for group math games that will help your students understand or get some extra practice with fractions, you’ll want to consider getting Hot Dogs and Hamburgers! For students who need some extra practice on multiplication and division, the game Tasty Toppings! can help.
Food-themed games aren’t the only options to choose from (even though they are the tastiest!). You can also find games with superheroes that help kids with adding and subtracting money, an adventure trail game or even a game to find treasure.
Not sure which games your students will find the most appealing? Then you need to consider getting the Math Game Bundle, which comes with eight different games. If you’re looking for an option that will grow with your students, the Quizmo Math Series Grades 3-8 might be exactly what you need.
Make Learning Fun
Having math games in the classroom is a great way to encourage your students to learn important skills in an entertaining way. Every student learns in their own way, but adding games appeals to their sense of excitement and fun. This may be exactly what your students need to fully grasp a math concept or at least view the learning process as thrilling.
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