Grades: Pre-K 6
Confidently Lead Your Guided Reading Group Lessons
Make the most of your minutes at the table with a timed breakdown of lessons complementing the work of Marie Clay, Jan Richardson, and Fountas and Pinnell. This visual tool shows you the processes, pacing, and prompts you need to deliver your most powerful instruction for preemergent to fluent readers. Five lesson menus (pre-emergent, emergent, early, transitional, and fluent) show components/ materials, skills/strategies, activities, and prompts for completing the lesson plan templatesA "plus at-a-glance level-specific skills, lesson time, text selection criteria, group size, skills prerequisites, and when to promote. Includes skill-specific tracking sheets for RTI (levels/sounds/words checklists, and observation summaries). Folder includes WCPM and accuracy rate formulas, average WCPM yearlong benchmarks, reading levels correlation chart, fluency rubric, class tracker, family letter, and fluency continuum mini poster.